CEO now a member of Huntsville Botanical Garden's Foundation Board
Congratulations to Pamela Barratt White, CEO of SDI, as a new Foundation Board Member for Huntsville Botanical Garden.
System Dynamics International congratulates our CEO Pamela Barratt White on recently being named to the Foundation Board for Huntsville Botanical Garden. The Huntsville Botanical Garden Foundation was formed in 1997 solely to support, foster, promote, assist and encourage the activities of the Huntsville Botanical Garden Society. Noting that volunteers and philanthropy founded the Garden, Mrs. White remarks on her Foundation service,
“I am proud to serve the Garden as a Foundation Board Member. When the seeds of a grand garden were planted and the Garden opened in 1988—I was too busy being a working mom and wife to actually enjoy. Once I could, I delighted in what a wonderful haven it is. We are fortunate in Huntsville to have such a beautiful jewel in the middle of a city where, like the Garden, There’s Always Something Growing On! With all the generous donors, members, staff, and volunteers, our Garden keeps getting better and better, and I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it.”